Kinship is inspired by the qualities of goodness that arise from healthy community and group experiences.

We see this goodness as a hidden treasure that is ready to be activated.

People today are far too alone. Many more gifts and possibilities could be in flow if we had a resource-rich culture of peer support and healthy collaboration within our communities. For example:

  • When people have regular spaces to reflect and make meaning of their experience in a group together, a greater wisdom emerges.
  • When a group can be present and listen without judgment, new insights, ideas, and group coherence come forth. This is the seed bed for understanding, innovation, and healing.
  • We can resource each other. When we are burned out and exhausted, trying to do self-care from an empty cup can be overwhelming. When we spend time with a warm caring friend or in well-facilitated supportive groups, it’s a lot easier to refill our cup.

We are wired for human connection, it’s time to restore that.


Kinship is an initiative rooted in Seacoast NH where experienced community builders and social change leaders connect and get peer support, mentoring, and learn together.

The vision is to grow a healthy collaborative web across organizations and sectors, seeding new ideas and initiatives, and a culture of solidarity and mutual support that generates ripple effects.

  • These webs of community can then support each person in bringing forth their gifts and in finding ways to collaborate in service of what is needed in our organizations, community, and natural landscapes for wellbeing and resilience.
  • A spirit of shared learning and discovery is infused through all aspects of Kinship’s activities. We distill and share what works and what doesn’t. The aspiration is to build up our living knowledge, generate a deep well of trust and good will, and create a legacy of ideas, initiatives, organizations, and practices infused with this spirit.

Please join me in exploring what could come into fruition in our lives when we:

  • Restore the webs of kinship and mutual support among people in community in a place
  • Cultivate abundant flows of resources of all kinds
  • Show up for each other with warmth and encouragement so we grow people’s gifts
  • Invest in healing so we find our right place within a larger flow of life – of earth and of ancestors and descendants.