A muddle needs a huddle

At times, we each need a supported space to find our way, to sense where life is calling us, and expand beyond our limited view of what is possible.

If you’re worked with me before, click here to book a session.

When you are called to make a change and/or create something new in the world, you can come up against resistance, push back from those around you, or get lost in the busy distractions of the world. Being accompanied by others is key to overcoming these challenges and taking the next step towards what is calling you.

When you are stuck in a pattern, engaging the support of someone not in that pattern can bring clarity in a way that would be hard to discover on your own.

I offer coaching that uses a systemic approach, helping you see and sense the larger context and multiple factors affecting your situation.

Situations for a Systemic Coaching Session

If you…

  • Feel called to make a change
  • Have an inspiration or creative idea that you’d like to develop
  • Would like to grow and apply your gifts and skills in new ways
  • Feel stuck within a challenge or a pattern that keeps repeating
  • Struggle to navigate complex dynamics with coworkers, collaborators, and/or family
  • Sense some block or underlying issue that keeps tripping you up
  • Can’t see clearly what to do
  • Caught in competing priorities or desires
  • Navigating in new territory where there are no maps
  • Feel unmotivated, depleted, or overwhelmed

I reached out to Beth for support in two pivotal moments on my journey as an author and a business owner: The first time, I had completed the manuscript for my book and was panicking about reaching out to thought-leaders I admire for book blurbs. The second time, I was about to make a huge shift in my business model (to serve many more people), and I came up against a similar wall of nerves.

Both times, in less than an hour, I discovered what had been keeping me stuck, released the fear, and accessed readiness to move forward. And to my surprise, I discovered insights that opened up unanticipated and exciting new horizons for my work.

After the sessions with Beth, I felt unshackled and free, and I took my next steps with ease: I gathered the book blurbs, I changed my business model, and I moved forward toward a business that is more deeply aligned with my values and callings.

If you’re feeling stuck and curious about whether Beth might help, I encourage you to reach out to her. Her ability to listen to what we’re not yet able to hear and to hold space with both kindness and precision is unparalleled.

Katherine Golub

Coach, Center for Callings & Courage

As an organization guided by using business as a force for good, we knew that we need to grow our reach, encouraging businesses to be more outward facing. Taking a traditional business approach, talking about the value of corporate social responsibility from a bottom line perspective was an easy conversation, but stagnant.

But Beth, knowing our mission and vision, encouraged our leadership to keep pushing the boundaries of what we and the business community could be. She helped us explore what our values were as an organization, and as a result we were able to deepen our commitment to transformative collaboration and movement building, while deepening our stakeholder relationships. Our mission, vision and values have evolved to align our purpose and passion as an organization, but most importantly to realize them.

As a leader, I attribute much of my growth to Beth’s thoughtful questioning – she encourages exploration of difficult questions, using both heart and mind to provide perspective and in the end, giving me the courage to push my thinking towards what can be. She has helped me chart an exciting journey!

Michelle Veasey

Executive Director, NH Business for Social Responsibility