This list puts resources in your hands to make the power of community and kinship real.

Stories of What Works

Let’s focus our attention on what is possible. You can search these sites for stories and ideas of what works.


Speeches, podcasts, and articles from over 30 years of convening innovators seeking solutions to socialand environmental challenges

Project Drawdown

Climate Solutions–Actions that can be taken today to address climate change as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

reasons to be cheerful

“Tonic for tumultuous times.” Founded by artist and musician David Byrne, this is “part magazine, part therapy session, part blueprint for a better world.”

Daily Good

News that Inspires – Positive news stories and actions to continue the “good”

Solutions Story Tracker

A curated database of rigorous reporting on responses to social problems with over 12,000 stories from 186 countries.

Yes Magazine

Solutions reporting on “the ideas and initiatives of people building a better world.”

Collaborative Learning

Combining our ideas and wisdom to learn together is critical to navigate in complex, uncertain, and changing contexts. Integrating diverse perspectives helps us make sense of what’s changing, see situations from multiple viewpoints, and discern the wisest path.

Collective Sensemaking
Communities of Practice
Navigating Uncertainty
Where Good Ideas Come From

Collective Healing

Healing can be defined as a process of bringing together that which was separate. The container of trusting community and/or a warm caring presence of another person is a potent foundation to access many forms of healing, such as acknowledging and honoring what is, grieving what was lost, being with/feeling with those suffering, and making amends.

Building Peace from Inside Out
Collective Healing
Community-Centered Development
Transforming Historical Harms

The Art of Conversations

Conversations are the lifeblood of relationship and community. When we are listened to with openness, presence, and warmth, we can think better, attune to our feelings, and access our wisdom and creativity.

Emerging Possibilities
Resonant Language and Attunement
Time to Think
What it Means to Hold Space

Hosting Meetings and Gatherings

A powerful gathering needs a foundation of some intentional design; one way is to craft questions to explore (see first blog.) Then engage people using methods that invite all voices, cross-pollinate ideas, and access the collective intelligence of the group.

Setting the Table for a Great Meeting
Art of Hosting
Liberating Structures
Wise Democracy Pattern Language

Generous Resource Flows

Healthy ecosystems and communities have a flow of mutual exchange. This abundant giving and receiving takes some unlearning and creation of new practices, to move out of the scarcity and transactional norms of modern US culture.

Design for Generosity
Restoring the Flow of Gifting in Community
Returning the Gift

Kinship with People and Community

We grow our gifts when in the presence of someone who sees and encourages them. With community, we can navigate the loss and challenge of life.

The Essence of True Friendship
Inviting Leadership
The Geography of Sorrow
Touching the Earth

Living Systems Change

When we shift from seeing the world as a problem to fix to seeing our role within interconnected living systems, it calls for different ways of gaining clarity and taking action.

Dancing with Systems
Finding New Ways to “See” Systems
Thinking Like a Network 3.0
Using Emergence to Take Social Innovation to Scale

Small Groups

A regular group of five to eight people provides a powerful container for personal development, accessing diverse thinking and wisdom, co-creation and co-learning.

Case Clinic
The Joy of Micro-collaborations