Welcome back to Season 3 of the Living Love podcast!

One of our listeners said “This podcast reminds me that human relationships are the core of social change.”

Sadly, in too many workplaces, classrooms and communities, we have people feeling isolated, unsafe, or not welcome. When people lack this warm connection with others, they can enter a state called “alarmed aloneness.”

Whereas when people are in healthy social connection, this allows them to relax, think creatively, learn, and adapt. In Season 3, the podcast will explore how we can create environments where people “feel at home.”

In our conversations with guests, we’ll look at how interpersonal interactions create resonance and how current and historical trauma can disrupt that sense of feeling at home.

In later episodes, we’ll explore at how communities are engaging people to create housing for all. We’ll also look at what it means to welcome the newcomer and how multiple cultures can live together. As part of that, we’ll learn how can be at home with difference and find a way to transform conflict.

Episode 1 of the new season drops on April 16th – stay tuned!

Thank you for listening!